Kilnhurst Primary School

Staff Wellbeing

The wellbeing and mental health of the staff at Kilnhurst Primary School is at the forefront of everything we do. The senior leadership team are committed to prioritising staff workload and ensuring any changes that occur in school take this into consideration.

As part of this commitment, Lianna Williamson has been appointed as the school's staff health and wellbeing coordinator. Starting Autumn 2020, each staff member will have a wellbeing at work meeting with Mrs. Williamson in order to discuss work related stress and how the school can support them to remain mentally well. A wellness action plan will be completed with each staff member and they will be reviewed annually.


These action plans will be analysed by Mrs. Williamson and Mr. Cousins and individualised support will be put in place alongside whole staff CPD.

 Wellness Action Plan.pdfDownload
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